The Sistema Informativo Unificato per le Soprintendenze
Archivistiche (Unified Information System for the Supervision
Agencies) better known as SIUSA, intends to be the primary access node
to non state archival documents, both public and private, which are not
kept by State Archives.
The system describes the archival fonds according to a multi-level
description; the creators (bodies, people
and families) who produced the documents performing their
activities; those (person or body) who preserve (custody) the archives.
General historical, administrative and archival informations are provided,
to allow a better comprehension of the context.
SIUSA includes also some thematic paths, concerning
several projects promoted by the Direzione generale per gli archivi (General Directorate for Archives) on a nation wide level, in cooperation
with the Supervision Agencies, using common criteria to describe the
Eventually, SIUSA hosts also Projects describing non
state archives as a result of the cooperation with different institutions.
It is possibile to search the data using three different options:
Simple Search returns all the items containing the input term
or terms (read by the system as a text string); Guided Search
allows you to select the information using general indexes of the fonds, of
those who produced them (creators) and of those who keep them (custodians).
Advanced Search is intended for those who have exact and
accurate queries and allows to match data concerning different components of
the system and to choose the form of the results.